HealthMarkets Insurance Agent Marisella Rios-Weible and Laura Weible

“The insurance industry can be a very competitive area, so most carriers often add enhancements to make their plans more attractive. That’s why it’s important to schedule an annual review with one of us, so you can find out if your plan is still the right fit.” —Marisella Rios-Weible and Laura Weible, HealthMarkets Insurance Agency
The Weible team at HealthMarkets Insurance Agency brings twice the knowledge and service to the healthcare table. Marisella Rios-Weible and Laura Weible, the mother-daughter duo who lead the Parma and North Royalton markets for the company, have made it their mission to help people not only choose the healthcare coverage that works best for them, but also understand their options so they can save money.
“The insurance industry can be a very competitive area, so most carriers often add enhancements to make their plans more attractive,” says Marisella.
“That’s why it’s important to schedule an annual review with one of us,” adds Laura.
The two say a review could not only net you the opportunity to participate in a better plan during annual or open enrollment for Medicare of the ACA, it could also mean your options include plans that cost less while giving you more.
“Some people believe they simply choose a Medicare plan and that’s it,” Marisella says. “But Medicare isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. Everyone is different, and what’s important to one person may not be important to another.”
“Medicare is very individualized,” explains Laura. “That’s why a free review with one of us is key. We’re going to take the time to sit down with you and go over what’s important to you, find out about your medication needs and doctor needs, discuss the things you want to have included in your coverage, then put together a plan that not only provides you with options, but also suits your budget and requirements.”
Marisella says she has a special interest in helping low income Medicare participants gain access to the coverage that best meets their needs, sometimes paving the way to free prescription access and Medicaid. She can even help people who qualify apply to get their Medicare card right onsite, so they don’t have to go to the Social Security office.
Both Laura and Marisella direct their efforts toward clients, helping them to navigate the sometimes-baffling waters of Medicare. And the cost for their one-on-one review and guidance? Nothing. All time spent with them is at no cost to you.