New Life Renovations

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If the client is happy—I’m happy

Categories: Professional Services

With a specialty as a painter and drywall contractor, Norman Mentall’s extensive background in the trades, construction and facility and property management led him to found New Life Renovations with the mission of beautifying homes and businesses through superior craftsmanship.

Thanks to connections made in the local home and commercial painting and renovation industry, he organically branched out with the help of his crew to work as a kitchen remodeler and bathroom remodeler. From flooring to cabinetry, cabinet repainting, backsplashes and countertops, the crews live up to the company name by breathing new life into homes throughout Northeast Ohio. They perform exterior painting in addition to interior painting, deck staining and repairs.

When it comes to choosing paint colors, since they have more than 20 years of experience in the business, the painters are adept at helping people find the just-right shades to bring their home’s interior to life. Creativity and imagination come into play with every job.

Norman hires his people for their integrity and experience. He believes skill sets can be taught—but attitude is priceless.

New Life Renovations will not be the most or least expensive company for a job, but they will be among the best companies a homeowner can hire. Their work and attention to detail is meticulous. They do not cut corners!

As an owner-operator, Norman does all aspects of project management. People feel confident trusting they will only work with him throughout the job, from estimating to making selections, scheduling, overseeing the job site and making sure they are happy when it’s done. Clear communication is key.

Call New Life Renovations today to beautify your home or business.