By harnessing the remarkable healing power of acupuncture, Dr. Nigel Brayer, of Living Tree Center for Healing, can turn back the hands of time

By Patricia Nugent
Dr. Nigel Brayer at Living Tree Center for Healing is taking centuries-old principals of acupuncture and applying them to facial rejuvenation—smoothing lines and wrinkles and firming skin—and the results are astonishing.
“Facial acupuncture addresses the cosmetic effects on the face that are the outcome of many years of the skin adapting to life,” he explains. “When people use things such as Botox to numb the nerves, it may reduce a line here and there, but it’s a drug. It will wear off.”
He explains that through facial acupuncture, he can naturally re-create the plumpness and glow our skin often loses with aging.
“My first patient for facial rejuvenation was my wife,” says Dr. Nigel. “Within just two sessions, her crow’s feet virtually disappeared, and her smile lines were greatly lessened.”
Turning Raisins into Grapes
Comparing skin cells to raisins versus grapes, he says that by gently stimulating collagen, the flexible “rubber-bandy” cells that increase circulation and firm the skin, he can effectively take years off your face. He does this with a two-fold approach, first using tiny acupuncture needles, about the width of a human hair, on specific points on the face. Then he uses a low-level photobiomodulation laser emitting near-infrared light to increase cells’ mitochondrial energy, so they regenerate faster.
There is no downtime after a service, just a little redness on the day of the treatment, and very little pain, as the needles feel like a little pin prick going in.
“Depending on how severe a patient’s wrinkles are, there is a noticeable smoothing and firming after the first treatment,” he says. “After that, it depends. Most patients fall within the range of needing 12-15 weekly sessions. And going forward, most folks need a little tune-up every six months.”
In addition to improving wrinkles and firmness, the treatment also shrinks pore size and smooths acne scarring.
Since there is an immediate effect, he reports that many of his patients schedule a treatment before important events such as high school reunions, weddings or parties, so they look their very best.
“One patient, who after a course of treatments went from looking like her age, mid 70s, to looking about 62, tells me her friends keep asking her what she did to spur the transformation,” he says.
Not only is Dr. Nigel the director and founder of Living Tree Center for Healing, he’s also a nationally published author of the book “The Stress Affect,” which explores why disease and aging occurs and how you can stop it.

What Patients are Saying
The general consensus among Dr. Nigel’s patients is that his capacity for care is both knowledgeable and patient centered.
Says Kathy R., “Caring, general concern and extensive training and knowledge are important to me with any practitioner. Dr. Nigel certainly exhibits all these qualities and then some. Such a less invasive way to heal, providing a positive path to the aging process in general. I believe my treatments with Dr. Nigel will only ensure me to be my best.”
Another longtime patient, Sue H., says, “I am a fan of acupuncture and Dr. Nigel. He is very kind, gentle and knowledgeable. He demonstrates the ability to listen to me and customize a treatment plan that suits my needs. Acupuncture—with a little education, people will start recognizing that it does work!”
In addition to acupuncture, Dr. Nigel offers a myriad of functional medical services, from massage therapy to chiropractic care.
Living Tree Center for Healing is located at 11443 State Road in North Royalton. Call 440-877-9440 or visit for more information.