Celebrating the most important part of the Lake Erie Bluffs, the water itself

By Mimi Vanderhaven
Sometimes when something spectacular is sitting right in your back yard, you tend to take it for granted.
After weathering the past two pandemic years, isn’t it high time we made a pact to appreciate the wonder and beauty surrounding us?
Lake Erie is Mimi’s favorite Great Lakes for a gazillion reasons, and you’re invited to see why for yourself. There’s an unparalleled opportunity coming up on Sunday, August 28—the Best of the Bluffs: Water Wise Ideas event, which takes place from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Lane Road entrance to the Bluffs in Perry Township.
Perfect for all ages, you can take guided walks, partake in hands-on activities and talk with partnering conservation organizations. The annual event attracts around 400 people from near and far.
“I believe our appreciation for water stems from a young age, and rightfully so,” explains Lake Metroparks Interpretative Naturalist Nicholas Gaye, who is running the event. “It’s what keeps us going—without water life couldn’t survive. And when you put into scale how limited the earth’s fresh water supply is, it becomes very evident why it’s important for us to steward that resource.”
The experience will be memorable for kids and adults alike. On the 30-minute guided hikes, kids can engage in activities like scavenger hunts and beach games. Everyone will learn simple ways to conserve, protect and steward our most important resource: water.
One of Nick’s favorite insider’s picks of the Bluffs is the 50-foot Coastal Observation Tower, as it allows you to peer above the tree canopy to search for bald eagles and other wildlife that frequent the park.
If heights aren’t your thing, check out the glorious sunset from the scenic shoreline trail.
Lake Metroparks Lake Erie Bluffs Lane Road entrance is located at 3301 Lane Road in Perry Township.Dogs on leashes are permitted in the park, but not on the observation tower. A designated dog swim area is located on the east end of the beach.There is no fee to attend Best of the Bluffs, yet pre-registration is requested. Drop-ins are welcome. Register for Best of the Bluffs: bit.ly/3P2PLr8. Check out the Tower Cam to enjoy a live capture from the Coastal Observation Tower at goto.lakemetroparks.com/lake-erie-bluffs.