Chesterland Family Eye Care has just introduced a revolutionary new treatment for dry eye called iLux

By Patricia Nugent
Upwards of 46% of Americans will at one time or another suffer from itching, burning, annoying dry eyes.
This condition, which can also cause blurred vision and a sandy, gritty sensation, is only exacerbated by the jump in screen time so many of us are experiencing. One local eye doctor says she’s seeing an increase in patients suffering from dry eyes, and at alarmingly younger ages. She decided to research her industry and bring to the area a new treatment that’s getting amazing results.
“Most of my dry eye patients used to be over 40, but now we’re seeing people in their 20s and even teens with it,” says Dr. Bianca Kostranchuk, founder of Chesterland Family Eyecare. “There are different causes of dry eye, including environmental factors such as allergies and screen time. Certain medications can be culprits, too. And people who have had LASIK surgery are also more susceptible.”
Best Treatment Protocol
“First we do a thorough evaluation of the patient to discover what type of dry eye it is we’re dealing with, looking at the eye’s surface, its tear film and doing specialized imaging of the tear glands,” she explains. “This is not a one-size-fits-all condition. It could be caused by a patient not making enough tears or maybe the tears are evaporating too quickly, or the quality of the tears is not optimum.”
They begin with conservative care, such as prescribing eye drops. If those don’t help the issue, to take treatment to the next level, she’s one of the first in the area to introduce the leading-edge iLux treatment.
“We are constantly researching our industry for the latest advancements,” she says. “This non-invasive approach involves applying light-based heat to the eyelid to affect oils trapped within the glands, then release them through gentle compression. We are seeing wonderful outcomes with iLux.”

Take a Blink Break
In addition to medical treatment for dry eye, Dr. Kostranchuk advises patients that there are preventive approaches as well, including staying hydrated and taking “blink breaks” throughout the day if you are on the computer a lot. Taking 20 seconds or so to look into the distance and blink to refresh the tear film is key.
She also cautions people to avoid rubbing their eyes (no matter how much they want to), as that makes the condition worse and can even lead to infection.
Dry Eye is Fixable
“I wouldn’t want people to think this is something they just have to needlessly suffer through,” she says. “I have patients who thought they couldn’t wear contacts because of how dry their eyes were. Now they can.”
She also hopes people don’t self-diagnose their dry eyes and simply grab a bottle of eye drops from the drug store.
“This is a complex problem and one that can be a red flag to other diseases, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis,” she says.
Along with associates Dr. Taylor Wrubel and Dr. Edwin Grant, and staff, Dr. Kostranchuk explains that their primary goal is to ensure patients’ overall systemic health. In addition to dry eye treatment, the doctors offer a gamut of specialized treatments in areas like myopia control and pediatrics, specialty contacts for corneal conditions, customized frame design and an in-house optical lab allowing for same-day glasses for certain lenses.
Chesterland Family Eyecare is located at 7976 Mayfield Road, Suite 400, in Chesterland. Its sister office, Chardon Family Eyecare, is at 373 Center Street. Visit or call 440-286-9555 for more information. The offices accept most major vision and medical insurances and offer budget-friendly package options.