Flourishing after 50: The most important decision

By Juli Hicks, Certified Life Coach
Many of my clients struggle with decision-making and this keeps them stuck in their lives.
This often happens because they fear making the “wrong” decision.
In reality, there isn’t one “right” answer. The most important consideration is the decision after the decision.
After we make a decision, our brain needs to keep us comfortable. You make a decision and start to move in that direction, then your brain starts saying, “This is never going to work. Let’s make a new decision because this one’s so uncomfortable.”
If you listen to those thoughts, you’re just going to come back to the starting point.
And that’s why it’s important in decision-making to choose how you’re going to feel about it.
Whenever I make a decision, I decide that I’m am going to feel confident and committed, then I focus on that.
I cut off the option of spinning in doubt or worry. Trust me, my brain wants to keep me stuck in the comfort zone. It’s like trying to drive somewhere with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. You won’t get very far.
The next time you have a decision to make, first make the decision and then make the decision after the decision to go all in.
If you feel stuck and you need support on getting some traction in your life, let me help you take your foot off the brake.
Juli Hicks is a certified Life Coach. Contact her or sign up for her Flourishing after 50 program at JuliHicks.com.