Get ready for swinsuit season with HealthyOne Weight Loss

By Mimi Vanderhaven
After a year of emotional eating, relative inactivity, and being stuck inside, it’s unlikely many of us will be able to fit into our 2019 swimsuit. That’s right; because beaches and pools were closed last year, this summer we will be squeezing into a suit we haven’t worn in two years.
It’s time for a little help from one of Northeast Ohio’s most successful weight loss programs—HealthyOne Weight Loss.
Under this program, founder Dr. Frank Dachtler serves as a health coach who will help you create (or recreate) a healthy relationship with food. You’ll work directly with him to identify goals and develop a program based on your specific lifestyle, body type and nutritional needs. To help you stay on track, you’ll text with him daily and meet with him regularly.
“We help our patients re-learn how to eat and to understand which food combinations are best for their body type,” explains Dr. Dachtler. “But it’s not just about looking better in a swimsuit. It’s about improving your overall health and the quality and longevity of your life. Weight gain can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, sore joints related to inflammation, fatigue, sleeplessness, cancer, depression, and a lot more.”
Because Dr. Dachtler is personally involved in your success, he is limited to 20 new patients per month. Once you sign up, you and he will lay out an initial program, involving what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it. And there are no pre-packaged foods to buy.
“Everything we recommend can be bought at your local grocery store,” Dr. Dachtler says. “If you cannot buy it at a grocery store, it’s unlikely to become a permanent lifestyle change.”
And because Dr. Dachtler is personally involved in your success—and his history of helping so many other patients—he offers a guarantee: you’ll lose 20 to 40 pounds in just six to eight weeks.
Just in time for swimsuit season.
Special Offer
HealthyOne Weight Loss invites Mimi readers to save $200 off the cost of the program. Simply mention this story when you schedule your consultation. Offer expires April 15, 2021.
HealthyOne Weight Loss is located at 1100 W. Royalton Road, in Broadview Heights. For more about the program or to schedule a consultation, call 440-230-1113. Please visit to learn more.