Getting and staying fit as you age can be a challenge

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Initially, Linda Haas says she was initially skeptical that only two weekly 20-minute training sessions would produce results. Though she’s worked out at gyms and with small-group trainers before, she notes the MaxStrength Fitness experience was totally different. Linda is pictured with MSF Trainer Rachel. (Photography: Adrienne Rose)

By Patricia Nugent

The U.S. population over the age of 65 has grown nearly five times faster than the population over the past 100 years. Much of that statistic is fueled by aging Baby Boomers.

What’s one thing this demographic has in common? It’s members want to stay active and engaged with family and friends. In short: live their later years to the fullest.

Meet Linda Haas
Several years ago, Linda’s husband won a basket with a membership to MaxStrength Fitness in it in a church raffle.

“After he trained there for several months, he began to see great results and renewed the membership after it expired,” she says. “I decided to see if it could do the same for me and joined.”

At 74, Linda has high cholesterol and five years ago was diagnosed with osteoporosis.

“My goals were to increase upper-body strength, balance and flexibility, while addressing the cholesterol and stop and prevent any further deterioration of my bones,” she says. “During my first visit, I was really impressed with owner Jeff Tomaszewski. He’s incredibly knowledgeable about physiology and training. He took the time to explain how important muscle and bone strength are to people who want to stay active as they age.”

Linda says she was initially skeptical that only two weekly 20-minute training sessions would produce results. Though she’s worked out at gyms and with small-group trainers before, she notes the MaxStrength experience was totally different.

“I loved that there wasn’t a huge, noisy open floor with crowds of people,” she says. “My trainer, Rachel, is always there waiting for me when I arrive, armed with a workout customized to my goals. She watches intently to make sure my form is perfect. I was hooked after the first few weeks.”

To date, Linda’s cholesterol has dropped, and her bone scans have remained level, which she “takes as a win.”

Linda, who loves travelling internationally with her husband, going to places like Italy, the Middle East, Australia and Ireland, says a trip to Greece is slated for this fall.

“I’m thankful to MaxStrength every time I pick up my suitcase or lift a bag into a compartment without having to have my husband help me. I also have the energy and endurance to walk for miles in new places. Whenever we drive our SUV with friends, I’m the only person limber enough to hop in the third row. I’ve seen gains in upper-body muscle as well as core.”

She adds that over the past year-and-a-half she’s been coming to MaxStrength she’s, “never once gotten out of bed and said, ‘Ugh, I don’t feel like going.’ I look forward to my sessions. Everyone is kind, friendly and encouraging.”

Intense Protocol Builds Muscle, Bone Strength
According to Jeff, “Our training combats the average person’s natural decrease of muscle mass with each passing year that triggers other issues in a domino effect, including immune function, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and decreased energy. The difference it makes in your life is profound and transformational.”

The MaxStrength system differs from other training programs in that it follows intense, slow exercises on high-tech equipment designed to fatigue the muscles so they can rebuild on the off days.

MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-226-8080 at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake, 440-835-9090 and at13500 Pearl Road in Strongsville, 440-467-0700 or for more information or to view more testimonials, visit

Categories: Health & Wellness