Getting it there on time, as promised, with The UPS Store

By Patricia Nugent
After all the shopping and the wrapping comes the ultimate pain point in holiday gifting, asking yourself, “Will my package even get there?”
Well, if you are shipping with UPS, you can take that worry off your plate.
Last Christmas, UPS enjoyed a 98% on-time delivery success rate, and all projections point to the same this year.
Kim Myers, owner of the local UPS Store in Fairview Park, says they’ve already been preparing for the crush and are ready to make your shipping experience a smooth one.
“I believe we’ve been getting busier. During the pandemic people got in the habit of ordering everything online and I don’t see that changing,” says Kim. “Through customer service, we do our best to allay any customer anxieties that their packages will get there. Earlier in the year, we introduced a new fully automated system that saves time with every transaction. There’s less paper, you just sign the screen, and there are no long lines.”
Let’s Talk The ‘ings’
Kim says she wishes more people took them up on their packing services.

“If you let us do the packing, it receives a special guarantee if anything is damaged, stolen or lost,” she says. “We place items in a secure polybag to protect from moisture like rain or snow, then place it in a heavy-duty cardboard shipping box. It’s more convenient.”
In addition to packing, Kim says they’ve been doing lot of faxing and notarizing lately, too.
“Customers need documents such as wills and titles notarized,” she says. “All of our employees are notary publics, so anytime the store is open, we can notarize. You can just stop in, no need for an appointment.”
Printing is another -ing people aren’t aware of. For instance, they can print gorgeous Christmas cards you design yourself.
Other -ings include scanning, shredding, laminating and consulting.
When it comes to what you think about most when you think about UPS—the shipping—Kim always has an interesting story about shipping a unique product, such as a NASA refrigerator that went up in the space shuttle. Lately, she says, she’s shipped several very expensive and heavily insured paintings from local artists to their clients.
Why Private Mailboxes Make Sense
“Now more than ever, people tell us they are getting private mailboxes because of porch pirate theft,” says Kim. “We offer peace of mind. Rather than having expensive online packages sit on your doorstep when you’re not at home, let us receive them and notify you they are here.”
Unlike the Post Office, they accept packages from all shipping carriers (FedEx, DHK, Amazon), and notify mailbox holders via e-mail or text notifications when a package arrives. There’s safe and secure 24-hour access to the boxes.

“Also, with the shift of more people working remotely, they want the security of a private street address that’s not their home,” she adds.
Timing is Everything
Kim and her trusty staff are gearing up for another holiday shipping season.
“We’ve been busier than ever,” she says. “My best advice is to ship sooner rather than at the last minute. And shopping soon is a good idea, too. With the supply chain situation, many items are on back order.”
To keep up with the steady stream of shipping, she reports they will swing to holiday hours the week beginning Sunday, November 14. The store will be open seven days a week, from noon to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday; 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Historically, she says, their busiest days of the year are December 14 and 15.
Here are some official UPS cutoff dates to keep in mind if you absolutely have to have it there by Christmas:
• Tuesday, December 21 – This is the last day to ship UPS 3 Day Select for packages for delivery on Friday, December 24.
• Wednesday, December 22 – This is the last day to ship UPS Second Day Air packages scheduled for delivery on Thursday, December 24, with a UPS On-Call or scheduled pickup.
• Thursday, December 23 – Last day to ship UPS Next Day Air packages for delivery on 12/24.
• Friday, December 24 – Normal delivery service.
• Saturday, December 25 – No UPS pickup or delivery service. UPS is also closed on Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day.
The UPS Store is located within the Fairview Shopping Center, at 21887 Lorain Road in Fairview Park. There are job openings available with good pay and flexible hours. Call 440-333-4877 or email to schedule special shipping arrangements or find out more about their services. For general information, visit