Head to Lake Metroparks and hit the trails by skis, snowshoes or hiking boots

Family Cross Country Skiing 1 Sarah Marcus Donnelly
Lake Metroparks offers premier cross-country skiing and snowshoeing facilities, equipment rental and programs.

By Mimi Vanderhaven

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing choices.”

This is one of Mimi’s favorite sayings (Scandinavian by provenance, and they would know, right?). When the temperature plummets, we can do one of two things: dive under blankets indoors and complain about it or throw on a parka and hit the snow-capped trails just outside the door.

Lake Metroparks offers premier cross-country skiing and snowshoeing facilities and programs. Since equipment for both pastimes can be rented for both pastimes, all you need to do is show up.

Mimi caught up with Outdoor Education Manager Dominic Catanese for insight.

“So far we’ve been blessed with about 37 inches of snowfall, which has made for near-perfect conditions,” he reports. “We cater to beginners, with 6 miles of easy-to -navigate trails that wind through forests of evergreens, streams and ravines.”

Lessons are available depending on snowfall and people can sign up online the week before.

“But lessons aren’t completely necessary,” he says. “If you can walk, you can cross-country ski or snowshoe. Both are perfect for families with kids.”

Rentals of skis, boots, poles and snowshoes are available at Pine Lodge Ski Center at Chapin Forest Reservation, and impeccably groomed trails are also found at Girdled Road Reservation.

“There’s a 1-mile loop of illuminated trail at Chapin Forest that’s beautiful for skiing or hiking,” Dominic adds. “People love to gather around the ‘river of fire’ feature with 12 linear feet of fire to grab coffee or hot cocoa before or after they hit the trails. In fact, some people come just for the fire experience.”

So, what are you waiting for? The trails are calling your name. As poet Mary Oliver once asked, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Lake Metroparks provides more than four million visitors each year with educational and recreational programs. Chapin Forest Reservation is located at 10381 Hobart Road in Kirtland, and Girdled Road Reservation is located at 12926 Radcliffe Road in Concord Township. For ski conditions, call the Winter Sports Hotline at 440-256-2118 x4178, or visit lakemetroparks.com.
