Here’s how MaxStrength Fitness studio helped one middle-ager regain muscle mass, increase strength, and reduce body fat

By Patricia Nugent
Anyone who thinks aging comes with natural compromises should sit down and chat with Matthew Brinn.
The 55-year-old has skied all over the world, plays every racquet sport there is, and enjoys teeing it up on the golf course. This is all in addition to acting as president and CEO of an equipment manufacturing company, which entails long work hours, exhaustive travel and its share of stressors.
A little over three years ago, he was starting to see a few tiny red flags pop up. In the aftermath of past meniscus surgeries to his knees, he was feeling aches and pains during and after skiing.
“I was exercising, but didn’t feel I was doing enough,” he says. “The pain persisted. I was leery of starting my own program, thinking I might hurt myself with things like free weights or repeating squats. My goal was to find the right balance of strengthening my muscles to support my cartilage and joints while following a program that wouldn’t put me in compromising positions.”
When friends told Matthew about MaxStrength Fitness studio, he thought it sounded like a good fit.
The Role Muscle Mass Plays
Founder Jeff Tomaszewski based the unique training methodology on exercise research.
With a background in sports medicine, physical therapy and athletic training, Jeff knows a lot about research surrounding the importance of muscle mass. He mentions a study that points to the link between strength training and heart health being even stronger than cardiovascular training and heart health.
“To produce low friction and maximum muscular tension—which is the opposite of most gym equipment—we’ve put together the best equipment from three systems, MedX, David and SuperSlow Systems,” he says.
No Plans of Slowing Down
“I do not plan on slowing down into my middle and later years,” says Matthew. “My results have been wonderful. The specialized equipment with slow and safe, deliberate and progressive movements produces a highly efficient muscle burn without risk of overuse or injury. I’ve lost fat and gained strength. Another reason I’ve stayed here three years is that it’s an ideal fit with my busy schedule, with only two trainer-led 20-minute sessions per week. They are challenging and intense, with not a minute wasted. It also saves time that you don’t perspire or need to shower, since the studio is kept at a chilly temperature. I can dress like this and go right to work after.”
He says he appreciates the body composition analysis, which provides a metrics to chart his progress.
“In addition to pain-free skiing the past few winters, I’m driving the golf ball a good 30-40 yards farther,” he says.
Matthew’s mother, Mary, who is 89, started coming here after he explained the program. Now that she’s in Florida for the winter, he says they’ve helped her through virtual training. And, just like his, her muscle mass has increased significantly.
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-226-8080 and at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake, 440-835-9090 or for more information or to view more testimonials, visit