Here’s how Sinick Family Dental is using the latest in dental equipment and offerings to produce dazzling smiles

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Drs. Christopher and Jessica Sinick have invested in everything from a laser to a 3D printer, and equipment to mill their own same-day crowns. All is done in Sinick Family Dental’s own state-of-the-art lab. (Photograph: Adrienne Rose)

By Patricia Nugent

The advantages of going all-digital dentistry over traditional dentistry are profound. Thanks to a higher level of precision and accuracy, patients can expect better-looking, longer-lasting restorations, shorter treatment duration and a more comfortable overall experience.

Drs. Christopher and Jessica Sinick founded Sinick Family Dental eight years ago, building their own impressive farmhouse-style building at the corner of Route 18 and River Styx Road in Medina three years ago, and adopting an arsenal of digital care.

“In planning our practice, we made the decision to take the most advanced approach to technology,” says Dr. Christopher, who recently gave a presentation to fellow dentists in the area exploring digital dentistry. “We’ve invested in everything from a laser to a 3D printer, and equipment to mill our own CEREC same-day crowns,” he says. “We’ve just purchased another mouth scanner so we can both be working at the same time. Almost everything is done here in our own state-of-the-art lab within our practice. We like to have control over every step of the treatment process.”


The Smile Makeover
“We’ve done many partial to total mouth rehabilitations, restoring bright, beautiful, uniform smiles in patients whose teeth were discolored, misshapen, misaligned or missing,” says Dr. Jessica. “It’s rewarding to witness the transformation in people once they are happy to smile again. It gives them a new outlook on life.”

The planning phase of every makeover is done entirely digitally.

“No more old-fashioned impressions with goop,” he says, laughing. “First, we show patients images of what their teeth look like before and after treatment. We take into account facial esthetics. I liken this phase of treatment to drafting a blueprint for a house. Then, with our 3D printer, we can create upper and lower try-in molds they can snap over their existing teeth to see how they will look.”

Comprehensive treatment can include everything from replacing missing teeth to veneers, partial or full dentures, clear braces, bonding and whitening.

For crown and implant placement, they take a 3D X-ray for the utmost precision. This translates to better fitting new teeth that look more natural and last longer.

Drs. Christopher and Jessica provide partial to total mouth rehabilitations, restoring bright, beautiful, uniform smiles in patients whose teeth were discolored, misshapen, misaligned or missing. The results can be dramatic.
Sinick Family Dental Smile Makeover gives patients a reason to smile again.

How Bright Can You Go?
Just as all their treatment processes are, the Sinicks do not offer just one type of one-size-fits-all whitening.

“We have five types of whitening treatments, both in-office and at-home trays,” says Dr. Christopher. “Every patient has different needs. Some may have gray stains due to the antibiotic tetracycline; others may be yellow or light brown. With each of our treatment programs, the formulas have ingredients to lessen sensitivity, which can be an issue with whitening. You won’t find professional strength formulas like this with over-the-counter strips. Also, our trays are custom made for the patient’s teeth, which makes it more efficient.”

One of their most popular treatments is the KoR Whitening System, out of California. With both in-office and at-home modalities, the dual-activated formula in the gel is next-level.

“KoR provides the most bang for your whitening buck,” she says. “We’re able to whiten teeth up to eight shades lighter.”

Sinick Family Dental is located at 5115 River Styx Road, just south of Route 18 in Medina. Call 330-725-9851 or visit for more information or to make an appointment.

Drs. Christopher and Jessica Sinick founded Sinick Family Dental three years ago, building their own impressive farmhouse-style building at the corner of Route 18 and River Styx Road in Medina, and adopting an arsenal of digital care.
Drs. Jessica and Christopher with Isaiah, their newest family member.

Dr. Jessica Sinick gave birth to a beautiful baby boy—6-pound, 12-ounce Isaiah—just a few days before taking these pictures. Mother and baby are both doing wonderfully, and so are his older sibs, Chase, Vivian and Evelyn. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends you take your baby to its first dental appointment at the earliest of these two dates: when their first tooth erupts or their first birthday.

“It’s a good idea to get them acclimated to the experience,” she says. “If a parent has a positive and enthusiastic demeanor, that usually trickles down to the child.”

She adds that as soon as babies get their have teeth, they are susceptible to decay.

Things she recommends avoiding:

• Chocolate milk; it’s mostly sugar.

• Sports drinks, again, mostly sugar and chemicals.

• Giving kids gummy vitamins at night after brushing, since they’re mostly sugar and stick to teeth.

• Putting your baby to bed with a bottle of formula or milk.

The positive steps you can take to form healthy habits that last a lifetime:

• When a baby’s teeth first come in, you can clean them with a washcloth or finger brush, bumping up to a child’s toothbrush as more teeth come in.

• Try to have a sip of water after meals or snacks.

• Help your child brush their teeth daily until they are 6 or 7 years old.

• Try to make brushing teeth fun; buy them a toothbrush with their favorite character on it.

For more helpful suggestions, check out the blog on pediatric dentistry at