Here’s how SOGO Homes can help you sell for more

By Laura Briedis
For people contemplating selling their homes, right now supply-and-demand is working in their favor.
“The real estate market is strong, as homeowners are still getting multiple offers—often over asking price—within days of listing,” says Aaron Peterson, founder of SOGO Homes. “Inventory is still low and there are a ton of buyers looking for homes, so it is a perfect time to list your home and get top dollar. It’s simple: more buyers equal more offers. More offers drive up the sale price.”
This month there are even more prospective home buyers. Families with children are looking for new homes so they can be settled in before the school year starts again in the fall. And as mortgage rates start to trend downward, buyers are more apt to purchase a new home.
“Mortgage rates are slowly going down, but very slow,” Aaron says. “A couple days in May were better than the previous two months. With a combination of summer beginning and rates in the mid-6% range, buyers are diving back in.”
An innovative real estate brokerage, SOGO Homes helps homeowners keep more of their profits when selling their homes with its flat-rate fee. Instead of paying a percentage of the sale in commission, homeowners who list with SOGO Homes pay a $4,800 fee that includes everything from helping them set the most attractive listing price to negotiating the final deal.
One of the keys to getting the best offer for your home, according to Aaron, is pricing it correctly to attract the most potential buyers.
“We recommend a listing price to the homeowners based on our 12-page pricing analysis,” Aaron says. “We compare nearby houses bathroom to bathroom, bedroom to bedroom, garage to garage, and consider everything including views from the home. We also gauge the local economy, taking into account county unemployment rates and other economic factors. We go above and beyond even what an appraiser does, so if the appraisal comes back low, we have all the stats that favor the homeowner.”
To list your house or for more information, call 330-984-0909 or visit