Learn how P.A.L.S. for Healing can help both children and adults struggling from trauma break free

By Mary Malik
At P.A.L.S. For Healing, the mission is always the same—to empower people who have suffered trauma or loss of any kind to regain their lives and achieve their highest potential. It’s the way they go about this that makes P.A.L.S. so unique.
“People experiencing grief and trauma often do not seek services, but when they do, they are misdiagnosed, over-diagnosed, or medicated when they shouldn’t be,” says P.A.L.S. For Healing founder Misty Ramos Saviano. “Traditional talk therapy doesn’t always work, and medications can cause more problems. The trauma-informed therapies we use help people who have been exposed to trauma and/or loss either directly or indirectly with a goal of improving overall health.”
Therapists at P.A.L.S.—an acronym for Paper, Art Therapy, Letting Go, Self-Actualization—use art therapy, individual therapy sessions, holistic wellness and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy either alone or in combination to treat clients.

“Unlike talk therapy, EMDR engages both sides of the brain” because only art therapy engages both sides of the brain AND the mid-brain which communicates between the two, so people can re-write their narrative to one of healing.” says Misty and her team. “When a child dies in your arms, or when someone has experienced any such tragedy, there are no words. EMDR therapy enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that result from these experiences. The mind can heal from psychological trauma just as the body heals from physical trauma.”
Art therapy is another resource used by credentialed art therapists where, just as with EMDR, clients use both sides of the brain and the mid-brain in creative techniques like drawing, painting and sculpting and expressing themselves without words.
With three separate locations serving Northeast Ohio, P.A.L.S. For Healing is a nonprofit organization that also works with schools as crisis team trainers and responders.
“We train school counselors in crisis response and offer continuing education opportunities for professionals,” says Misty and her team. “Our mission is to help anyone, both children and adults, who has suffered trauma or loss, and train others to do the same.”
As part of this mission, P.A.L.S. turns no one away due to lack of ability to pay for services. Through yearly fundraisers and the generosity of donors, P.A.L.S. is able to continue offering support and healing through a scholarship program.
On Saturday, April 30, 2022, you can join the friends of P.A.L.S. For Healing at McCarthy’s in Cleveland’s Flats for a night of gambling, music and food at Casino Night. Pre-paid tickets bought before Friday, April 8, include free parking. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Along with monetary donations, P.A.L.S. is always in need of art supplies like paper, paints, brushes, markers and pencils.
“We are also in need of office furniture,” says Misty and her team. “There are so many ways to help, and everything is appreciated.”
Misty started P.A.L.S. because she saw so many people suffering, children and adults, who experienced trauma and loss and were not getting the help they needed.
“Many adults are unable to move forward due to a childhood trauma,” says Misty and her team.“Every day we see people who couldn’t drive, sleep or eat and I watch them begin to first survive, then overcome, and finally thrive in their lives. It’s a privilege.”
Fundraising for P.A.L.S.
On Saturday, April 30, 2022, you can join the friends of P.A.L.S. For Healing at McCarthy’s in Cleveland’s Flats for a night of gambling, music and food at Casino Night. Pre-paid tickets bought before Friday, April 8, include free parking. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. To purchase tickets, visit PALSForHealing.org.
For more information on P.A.L.S. For Healing’s services and ways you can help, call 330-518-8334, visit PALSForHealing.org or email contactus@palsforhealing.org. For tickets and more information on Casino Night, please visit the P.A.L.S. website. P.A.L.S. for Healing is located in Westlake, at 24600 Center Ridge Rd., King James Bldg. 3, Suite 260; in Beachwood, at One Chagrin Highlands, 2000 Auburn Dr., Suite 200; and in Independence, at 6100 Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 200.