Love your liver and live longer

By Mike Ventresca, Vital Choice Healthstore
The liver is an amazing organ, performing more than 500 vital functions. It plays a significant role in the detoxification of endotoxins (metabolically produced) and xenobiotics (environmental). Simply put, the liver acts like a filter processing everything we eat, drink, breathe, and even put on our skin.
Liver detoxification occurs in two distinct phases. In phase one, toxins are transformed into intermediate compounds, which are then neutralized by phase two enzymes making them easier to excrete. However, like any filter, the liver’s ability to process many substances decreases over time. But, unlike a clogged pool filter or dirty oil filter, the liver can’t be so easily replaced.
One way to keep your liver healthy is through diet. Foods like avocado, beets, green tea, leafy greens, turmeric, and walnuts play a positive role. However, specific supplements can offer even more support.
Vitamins B12, folic acid and choline are known as methyl donors. Together, these nutrients support detoxification by making toxins easier to excrete. NAC (N-Acetyl-cysteine) is a precursor to the powerful antioxidant glutathione, which aids in both phase one and phase two detoxification. Milk thistle extract has been shown in many scientific studies to help support liver detoxification processes, while helping to protect liver cells from toxins.
Liver Support & Detox combines these critical B-vitamins, NAC and milk thistle with SelenoExcell (a patented form of selenium), alpha lipoic acid and turmeric to create a powerful synergistic blend to enhance detoxification while supporting healthy liver function. So, as the saying goes, “love your liver and live longer.”
Mike Ventresca is the owner of Vital Choice Health Store, 9243 Sprague Road in North Royalton’s Timber Ridge Plaza. Call 440-885-9505 or visit This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.