Maintaining hearing aids a must

By Amanda Barbur, Doctor of Audiology; Amanda’s Family Hearing
We devote time each spring to doing a deep clean at home, in our cars and in our yards. In the spirit of maintenance and renewal, I’m devoting this month’s column to the importance of maintaining your hearing aids.
We recommend you get a professional clean and check every four to six months, and sometimes more often such as if you have waxy ears or work in a dusty or dirty environment. These visits, which are included as a package in the cost of the aids if you’ve purchased them through us, ensure the optimal quality of your hearing.
Often, the drop in quality happens so gradually, people don’t even realize it. Those who may have gone without a visit tell us they are shocked at the difference in their hearing after a clean and check.
Here’s what happens during a visit, which usually takes about 30 minutes:
• We dissect (take apart) the devices.
• The internal components are deep cleaned and suctioned.
• We replace the filters, tubing or other parts if needed.
• A thorough performance check is run.
• Any parts that aren’t functioning properly are replaced.
• We remove all moisture by running the aids through a dehumidifier.
Keeping up with the cleaning and maintenance of devices will ensure they last long and perform well.
We also closely monitor all our patients’ warranties. We notify them of the expiry date, schedule an end of warranty visit, and often send the devices to the manufacturer for reconditioning prior to the warranty running out. Loaner hearing aids are available during that time. Extended warranty options are also available moving forward.
Come hear with us!
Amanda’s Family Hearing is located at 1701 Mentor Avenue, Suite 5, in Painesville. Financing options and packages are available. Call 440-357-4327 or visit for more information.