Non-surgical healing has arrived at Finesse Footcare

By Patricia Nugent
An average day on Josh W’s fitness tracker charts around 25,000 steps and 5,000 calories expended. As an avid runner, PE teacher and basketball coach at a private school on the East Side, to say he’s always on the go is an understatement.
Six months ago, when the 31-year-old started to feel stabbing pain and inflammation in his Achilles tendon during a basketball game, it was a major concern.
“I could barely walk,” says Josh. He went to a podiatrist who fitted him for orthotics and had him take two months off from running. It got a little better for a while, then the pain returned.
“At that point, the doctor said there was nothing more he could do for me,” he says. “Then I Googled ‘best podiatrist near me’ and Dr. Danielle Shaper’s name came up at Finesse Footcare. Her reviews were great, so I decided to seek another opinion. Thank goodness. After examining my ankle, she recommended an amniotic injection to help regenerate the affected tissue. I did my research and it seemed promising.”
Dr. Shaper says Josh is the perfect candidate for these leading-edge injections.
“Made up of highly concentrated nutrients taken from the amniotic membrane, the injections have strong anti-inflammatory and healing properties, encouraging the tissue to regrow and heal itself,” she says. “This type of regenerative medicine is a game-changer for many of my patients. After a single injection, Josh was feeling much better and returned to his active lifestyle.”
Since the FDA-compliant injections can be pricey and are not covered by insurance, Dr. Shaper researched the market until she found a company that offered them for far less—about half the regular price.
In addition to regenerative medicine, Dr. Shaper also offers radial shockwave therapy, cortisone injections, Lunula laser for toenail fungus and treats ingrown toenails, bunions, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, corns, warts, calluses, sprained ankles, heel pain and offers diabetic footcare.
Finesse Footcare is located at 5035 Mayfield Road, Suite 202, in Lyndhurst. Financing options are available. Call 216-382-8070 or visit for more information.