Now is a perfect time to have Southwest Landscape Management beautify your yard

By Patricia Nugent
“The best defense is a good offense” is an adage that applies to keeping your home’s exterior looking ship-shape in every season. Steps you take in fall can carry you through winter and ensure your home sweet home will look fabulous come springtime.
For anyone who hasn’t had time this summer to take a good look at their landscaping, Steve Rak, owner of Southwest Landscape Management has two words: No worries.
“There’s plenty of time for us to beautify your yard and prepare it for winter,” he says. “We can replace trees that may not have thrived this summer, cut down ornamental grasses, get rid of weeds, leaves and debris from beds, edge them and mulch if needed.”
The transformation can make a big impact. After fall clean-up, you’ll be staring at your dormant landscaping for months to come, shouldn’t it look wonderful?
Steve says 2021 has been one of his busiest years ever, for both residential and commercial customers.

“I think the pandemic forced people to take stock of their home and its value,” he says. “Investing in your landscaping is a great way to increase both your enjoyment of the yard around you and boost what it’s worth. Many people are taking the money they would’ve spent on travel and reinvesting it in their yards.”
The Perfect Time for Planting
According to the Farmer’s Almanac for our region, heading into late September and October, we can expect increased rain showers and slightly below average temperatures. Steve says this is ideal for freshening your landscaping.
“People often don’t realize that the fall is actually a great time to plant trees and shrubs,” says Steve. “With increased rainfall, you don’t need to water landscape materials as much as in spring or summer. And the roots have time to establish themselves nicely before winter hits. Anything we put in the ground will actually do better when it comes back to life in the springtime. We can also add a dash of color with fall annuals like mums.”
Surprisingly, he says they also lay mulch in the fall to keep beds looking their very best. Mulch can serve as a protective blanket over perennials you’ll see sprouting in the spring.

Leave it to the Pros
Looking ahead to 2022, Steve says many of his residential and commercial clients like the ease and convenience of getting on a monthly maintenance program. His crews can keep your yard looking gorgeous all year long. In addition to fall and spring cleanup, they offer a full range of services, including:
- Edging of beds
- Mulch application
- Weekly lawn mowing
- Maintenance of beds, weeding
- Shrub and tree pruning
- Fertilization
- Shutting down irrigation systems
“We’ve earned a reputation for servicing commercial properties, office buildings, rental properties, apartments and homeowners’ and condo associations throughout the area, as well as homes,” he says. “Our clients appreciate that we never take a cookie-cutter approach. Each landscape design is unique and will always look well cared for.”
Now is a good time to get a free estimate for fall clean-ups or 2022 maintenance plans for both commercial and residential properties.
“As soon as a customer starts with us, they tend to stay with us year after year, and we really appreciate that,” says Steve.
Homeowners, commercial property owners and HOAs can get a free estimate by calling Steve at 440-748-6000 or emailing him at Southwest Landscape Management is headquartered at 33593 Royalton Road in Columbia Station. For more information, go to