Prevent sports injuries

By Hayley Iosue, DPM Foot & Ankle Specialists of Ohio
Warmer temps are a signal for athletes to hit the track and field, court and mound. Spring sports season is here, and with it comes a barrage of sports injuries.
We see an increase in foot and ankle sprains, shin splints, stress fractures, Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.
Though overuse injuries are common, they can usually be prevented with proper stretching before and after practices and games, taking a day of rest to let your body recover and making sure you have the proper footwear.
Luckily, there are several athletic shoe stores in our area. I often recommend a specific make and model of shoe for a patient’s needs. We can also prescribe over-the-counter or custom-made orthotic shoe inserts to correct biomechanical abnormalities of the foot.
When it comes to stress fractures, if you notice a specific point of pain, the sooner you see a doctor, the better the outcome, as it can worsen to a full-blown fracture if not rested. We realize athletes want to get back on the field ASAP, but you wouldn’t want to risk greater injury. I played soccer and ran track in high school, so I understand.
Every case is unique. After diagnosing the problem with our in-house digital X-ray machine, we treat most sprains, strains and stress fractures with prescribed rest in a walking boot, ice and anti-inflammatories.
In addition to student athletes, weekend warriors of all ages are also prone to injuries this time of year. They tend to go right from the couch to strenuous exercise, but gradually getting back into these activities is best for your body.
Foot & Ankle Specialists of Ohio is at 325 Center Street in Chardon. Same-day and next-day appointments are always available. Call 440-306-5359 or visit Other locations are in Mentor, Bedford, Garfield Heights and Westlake.