Quercetin, inflammation, and immunity

By Mike Ventresca, Vital Choice Healthstore
Recently, few supplements have garnered more attention than quercetin. While much of it has been related to Covid-19, quercetin has an extensive body of research for a variety of conditions, including seasonal allergies, heart disease, chronic brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, and immune challenges potentially including Covid-19.
Quercetin belongs to a family of polyphenols found in almost all fruits and vegetables called flavanols. Research shows quercetin has a wide range of biological actions, including anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activities. It has also been shown to be a powerful antioxidant able to reduce the damage caused by free radicals as well as act as a natural antihistamine.
Because inflammation is the root of most diseases, it’s quercetin’s ability to regulate the body’s immune system while reducing inflammation that makes it helpful in managing so many conditions. According to Dr. John Axe, “[quercetin] helps slow the aging process because it lessens the effects of oxidative stress on the body. Oxidative stress takes place in all of us but is increased by things like a poor diet, high levels of stress, a lack of sleep and exposure to chemical toxins.”
A few great options depending on your specific need are Vital Choice’s Quercetin 500 Plus, Aller-7, and Natural Factor’s Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix. Quercetin 500 Plus is a great option if your goal is inflammation support as it combines quercetin with two other powerful anti-inflammatories, bromelain and turmeric. Clinically studied Aller-7 is the best choice if you are looking for airborne allergy support, while Natural Factor’s LipoMicel extract offers 10-times greater absorption than standard preparations.
Mike Ventresca is the owner of Vital Choice Health Store, 9243 Sprague Road in North Royalton’s Timber Ridge Plaza. Call 440-885-9505 or visit VChoice.com. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.