Regenerate bone density

By Karen Docherty, Owner OsteoStrong Strongsville
Ever wonder why after age 30, sometimes sooner, we slow down, have joint pain, and reduce activities or fear an injury and being out of work? It starts with the one thing that we all have in common, our skeletal system—the foundation of each and every one of us.
The skeletal system is arguably one of the most critical systems in the human body. By implementing a strategy that cares for and strengthens our skeletal system, we can experience life-changing results, improved bone density, enhanced posture, better balance, improved athletic performance, and less joint and back pain.
Osteostrong uses osteogenic loading to promote skeletal strength from our four patented pieces of equipment, called The Spectrum.
In order to understand how Osteostrong works, we need to understand how the aging process works. It’s probably no surprise to you that the inside of the body is always changing. From birth to about the age of 25, we’re constantly growing stronger. But at the age of 30, we plateau in growth and the aging process takes over. The bones become more porous.
The brain will never allow your muscles to be stronger than your bones. In fact, each year, more than 300,000 people in the U.S. sustain a hip fracture. Most of these fractures occur in patients 65 years of age or older who are injured in household or community falls. It is absolutely essential that we do something about it. It doesn’t matter if you are a young athlete, or in your 30s through 90s. It’s never too late to strengthen your bones and enjoy life.
OsteoStrong Strongsville center is located within a shopping plaza at 15308 Pearl Road in Strongsville. Call 440-358-3838 or visit for more information.