Save the sweat, save the time, maximize the results

By Patricia Nugent
Fred Koury is a man who appreciates efficiency.
As president and CEO of Smart Business Network, he works full time while also overseeing the publication of several business magazines that deliver “insight, advice and strategy to effective business leaders.” What began with one magazine in Cleveland in 1989 has grown to 19 markets across 10 states. His company has also branched out to host niche events and conferences to create unique networking opportunities. He’s the consummate executive—a powerhouse who thrives on results.
After he met MaxStrength Founder Jeff Tomaszewski in 2009 and heard about the novel training program offered here, Fred decided to give it a try. He’s been a devotee ever since.
“My experience fully lived up to his description of what takes place. Jeff is a leader who walks the talk,” says Fred. “You get the maximum results in a modest amount of time. I felt my strength increase significantly without spending a lot of time. The workouts are individualized to my needs. There is a high level of professionalism. We start on time and end on time. Trainers take fastidious notes during the workouts and every move is tailored to my progress.”
In addition to running the helm of his company, Fred leads an active lifestyle along with his wife and 12- and 14-year-old sons. Preferring to spend his scant free time on a court or course, he plays as much tennis and golf as can fit into his schedule and hopes to continue doing that for many years to come.
“MaxStrength provides a next-level mode of training,” he adds. “The trainers wear dress shirts and ties. Each session is thoughtfully engineered with a goal and an intention behind it. Since the workouts are always changing, I never become bored.”
What’s the MaxStrength Difference?
Jeff’s research and science-based protocol take a different approach to training. First of all, they only want you there twice a week, with 20-minute workouts. The one-on-one, trainer-led sessions are intense. Specialized equipment fatigues the muscles through slow and progressive movement.
Fred notes that the trainers are fully engaged in his progress.
“When my goal was to lose a little weight, they were checking in with me personally to see what I was eating, always giving me little informal reminders about the connection between diet and reaching my goals,” he says. “That level of accountability was a help to me. I lost the weight.”
Coming Back from Covid
When Fred had Covid last year and couldn’t work out for several weeks, he said he noticed a loss in muscle mass.
“And even after my symptoms had subsided, I had no energy and felt sluggish,” he says. “I couldn’t wait to come back.”
Fred says the testimony of his progress has encouraged others to try MaxStrength, including his 88-year-old mother, who also comes here twice a week.
“I think of MaxStrength as a bit of a well-kept secret,” says Fred. “It’s hard to know what you’re missing out on until you experience what a positive difference this level of training can make in your life.”
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-226-8080 and at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake, 440-835-9090 or for more information or to view more testimonials, visit