Second chance at health at Cleveland Nutrition

By Dr. David Gutman, Cleveland Nutrition
You’ve tried weight loss schemes galore, yet you’re still overweight. Your doctor has you taking pills or shots, but your medical problems keep progressing and your dosages keep escalating. Why is this happening? Is this just an inevitable part of getting older, or is there a better way?
I’m here to tell you there is most definitely a better way.
It’s no secret that lifestyle factors play a dominant role in the development of most chronic diseases that we face today. Our ultra-processed “Western” diets, high in sugar and fat and low in fruits and vegetables, leave us overfed but undernourished. This leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune conditions, digestive problems, and so many other preventable and disabling conditions.
This realization has led to the development of a whole new branch of medical practice called Lifestyle Medicine, where doctors helps patients overcome chronic diseases and recover their health naturally by changing their diets to one that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts, and is very low in saturated fat and processed junk.
That’s what we do at Cleveland Nutrition, and the results are amazing.
Over the past 10 years we’ve helped hundreds of patients take their health back and recover from countless chronic health problems that their doctors said would never get better. Now, many of those doctors are sending their motivated patients to us for help.
So are you ready for a true health makeover? Give us a call to see if we are a good fit for you. We now participate with Medicare and many insurance plans.
To reach Cleveland Nutrition, call 216-328-8086. There are two office locations: 25200 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 110, in Beachwood; and 2660 W. Market Street, Suite 251, in Fairlawn. To learn more, visit