The greatest threat to your health

By Mike Ventresca, Vital Choice Healthstore
In 2004, Time Magazine called inflammation the “secret killer.” ‘Secret’ because inflammation can exist without obvious symptoms like pain, and ‘killer’ because it plays a role in over 80 percent of diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis and more. Inflammation is not always a bad thing—it is an essential component of our immune system and integral to the healing process. It’s like a campfire—essential for survival, but disastrous if left to burn out of control.
The problem is most Americans tend to eat too many of the foods that contain pro-inflammatory compounds. Corn, peanuts, dairy and most meats are just some examples. Under these conditions, what should have been a normal inflammatory response to heal a stubbed toe, doesn’t properly turn off as it should. Instead, like a campfire in a dry forest, the inflammation burns out of control, in many cases for years, contributing to any number of diseases.
So, what can we do? The key is to eat a more anti-inflammatory diet so your body can effectively manage the inflammatory process. One great way is to add spices like ginger, turmeric and rosemary to your cooking. You can also try drinking organic green tea daily.
To that end, I have taken Zyflamend by New Chapter every day for 15 years. Zyflamend is loaded with powerful natural anti-inflammatory spices and herbs and is the most clinically validated supplement available. I love this product. To learn more, stop in today or visit us online where you can watch any of our previously recorded webinars on a variety of health topics –
Mike Ventresca is the owner of Vital Choice Health Store, 9243 Sprague Road in North Royalton’s Timber Ridge Plaza. Call 440-885-9505 or visit This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.