The Helicopter Daughter offers natural products to help you cope

By Mary Malik
Wellness is different for everyone. For some, it’s spending time outdoors, playing golf or getting exercise. Others may want to play with the grandkids or just do simple tasks pain-free. The irony is that you have to feel good to do what makes you feel good.
“Feeling good, especially as we age, requires self-care,” Karen Hadden, owner of The Helicopter Daughter, says. “You won’t exercise, play with the kids or even cook if you don’t feel well. We develop ‘tool kits’ to help with whatever it is you’re battling that’s keeping you from doing the things you love. We use self-care to address your immune system, sleep, stress, migraines or menopause—anything keeping you from a healthy life.”
Karen was an accidental “helicopter daughter” when she became the caregiver for her mother and stepfather, attending to their every need. While searching for ways to reduce her own stress, Karen was unable to find answers. After their deaths, Karen opened The Helicopter Daughter and filled it with products to ease the physical and emotional side effects of stress experienced by patients, caregivers and people navigating everyday life.
“We start by chatting about your needs,” Karen says. “We offer aromatherapy products, lotions, bath salts, journals for expressing yourself, which, at the end of the day, can all help with sleep. Peppermint and ginger essential oils can help with nausea, and magnesium can ease migraine and arthritis pain.”
Karen carries all-natural cleaning products and deodorants to reduce toxins and boost the immune system. Herbal teas and tonics, essential oils, and foot soaks are grouped together in a personal “tool kit” to address physical and mental health.
“We carry books on caregiving and grief, faith, humor and even have a children’s section,” Karen says. “Stress is an epidemic. The right self-care can put you on the path to wellness.”
The Helicopter Daughter is in The Matchworks Building at 8500 Station Street, Suite 285, in Mentor. For information call 440-725-1571 or check the website