The opportunity to strengthen your wall of insurance protection has been extended

By Beth Newcomb
Last year, many of us may have felt a bit out of sorts…postponing doctors’ appointments, skipping family events, and even forgetting to brush our teeth. Becoming accustomed to a “new normal” and “staying safe” claimed most of our attention.
The new presidential administration, aware of the fact that many Americans also missed out on open enrollment for Affordable Care Act coverage, has reestablished the opportunity for those who weren’t able to secure coverage for 2021 to do exactly that.
“This is really unprecedented. A special ACA open enrollment is happening right now, until Saturday, May 15,” says Ben Siegfried, a licensed insurance agent with HealthMarkets Insurance Agency. “The enrollment period for 2021 closed in December 2020. However, with many people not working and others missing the deadline, a special enrollment has been established to ensure anyone who wanted to secure coverage but didn’t can do so now.”
Another segment of the population this Special Enrollment Period (SEP) can benefit is the underemployed. Ben says some people aren’t making as much money as they were during the previous enrollment period, so they might want to make a plan adjustment. Or, they may be able to take advantage of government subsidies that weren’t previously available to them. Additionally, if you’ve been on a plan since the beginning of the year and find that it’s just not to your liking, or isn’t meeting your needs, you have the opportunity to make a change during the special enrollment.

“Most people want options,” Ben states. “They want to be protected and limit their exposure while also having the freedom to visit the providers they’re comfortable with. Because we’re not beholden to any one company, we can provide the options people want and need for their individual situations. I can put together a plan that’s balanced, so it matches the aspects of your life that you feel are important.”
Ben likens himself to a general who assembles policy safety troops, effectively building a responsible wall of insurance protection around each of his clients. “The goal is to find the ideal solutions for each person’s specific needs,” he shares. “We take a look at your prescriptions, your doctors, your priorities, and your budget, then determine which carrier and policy is the best fit.”
“Many clients feel frustrated, lamenting that the current standard options can be far from ideal, with skyrocketing premiums as well as having high out-of-pocket exposure,” he adds. “Having different carriers and policies at our disposal can be a real game changer. My clients are able to pick policies uniquely suited for different aspects of their protection. In fact, many times finding the best coverage can mean owning more than one kind of policy in order to reach what many hope to achieve in their coverage.”
Some people may be transitioning between jobs and need temporary coverage, others may find they’re solid with a higher deductible policy. Some are more comfortable with a lower co-pay policy.
“Coverage is very personal, that’s why I offer a complimentary review to anyone interested,” Ben says. “There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but by meeting with me to discuss your particular situation, we can build the ideal wall of protection that’s best suited to you.”
What’s Your FitScore?
Unique to HealthMarkets Insurance Agency is the FitScore, a quick, easy way to maximize insurance benefits and save money. “During your complimentary review, I’ll have you answer a few short questions, then I’ll use our proprietary software to search thousands of plans from leading insurance companies to provide a customized list of the best options for you,” Ben says. “The higher the FitScore, the closer the plan is to your ideal match. Your FitScore provides a personalized view of which plan might be the right match for you.”
Licensed insurance agent Ben Siegfried splits his time between offices in South Euclid and Garfield Hts. He can meet in person or virtually. Call 216-835-1255 to schedule an appointment. Evenings and weekends available.
HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. is licensed as an insurance agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. Agents may be compensated based on enrollment. No obligation to enroll. HealthMarkets’ FitScore intends to identify plans that fit your needs. You should carefully review official plan materials. 47173-HM-0321