It's time to check your car battery

By Bill Snow, Owner/Operator of Rad Air Wickliffe
Few sounds are as dreaded as the dull clicking of a dead car battery that won’t respond when you try to start the engine. This time of year—when we are taking pause to tend to preventive measures around the house, like replacing smoke detector batteries—it’s a good idea to take a preventive tack when it comes to your car battery, too.
Do you know how old it is? The average life expectancy is three to five years.
Replacing it as you get closer to the end of your battery’s life gives you peace of mind that you won’t be conked out somewhere waiting for roadside assistance. Think of it as inexpensive insurance.
Most every automobile has a “check battery” light. If yours comes on, it’s time to see your mechanic to investigate what’s going on. Sometimes the battery is fine, but often there’s a problem with the charging system, alternator or wiring. Whenever we replace a battery, we thoroughly check the whole system. We’re also careful to follow a “keep alive” protocol, hooking up the car to a power source to keep the settings for the car’s computer system in place while we are working on it.
There’s a battery for every budget, starting with an economy model that has only a one-year warranty, up to advanced models with AGM Absorbent Glass Mat technology for more electrical power storage and longer life.
Rad Air Complete Car Care and Tire Center is located at 29257 Anderson Road, in Wickliffe. Call 440-943-9666 or visit for more information.