Toss everything you thought you knew about chiropractic care and discover a world of person-centered care that turns the current health care model on its ear

By Patricia Nugent
Over the past 25 years, Optimal Spine and Wellness founder Dr. Paul Bizjak has made a tremendous impact in the Northeast Ohio wellness arena, clocking in about a half-million patient visits and helping countless patients lead pain-free lives without resorting to unnecessary meds, shots or surgeries.
His approach to wellness flips the script on traditional medicine by encouraging healing in the body from the inside out.
“My story has never changed,” he says. “I’m still excited to be treating people in our community, helping them function at their optimal level.”
To keep up with his growing patient load, last year he welcomed Dr. Michael Abood to the practice.

“The addition of Dr. Michael to our team has been an absolute blessing,” he says. “It has allowed us to care for more patients, expand our hours, and increase the impact we can have on the community.”
We caught up with Dr. Bizjak for a Q&A session. Here’s what he had to say.
Q: To what do you attribute your longstanding success?
A: We’ve always treated our patients as if they were family. The patients who come to us are sick and tired of the healthcare system. Costs have gone up. Risks have gone up. Yet no one seems to be getting better. We have become the most trusted healthcare provider to many people who know they can rely on us to figure out what the problem is, and either help them, or send them to the appropriate specialist. We’ve always treated the body like the self-healing entity that it is. People are looking for a more reasonable, affordable path that works. As traditional healthcare has been declining, we’ve been booming.
Q: How has chiropractic care changed over the years?
A: In many ways, it hasn’t, and that’s a good thing. We practice the same healthcare we always have in its purest form. One of the devices we use with every patient is called the Nervo-Scope. This hand-held device has been around since the 1920s and the function is to detect and monitor spinal problems by registering the bilateral skin temperature differentials.

This indicates imbalances in the nervous system causing irritation to the nerves. It allows us to assess the patient without relying on just their symptoms, because oftentimes when dealing with the spine, their symptoms don’t always correlate with what is actually happening. Prevention is a large part of our mission as well. Thanks to caring for the whole patient with care that’s alternative to the standard system, our patients are aging extremely well.
Q: What separates your practice from others?
A: Two things: our accessibility and personalized patient relationships. Everyone we see has our emails and cell phone numbers and can contact us at any time. We can almost always see patients the same day they call. My staff has been with me for a long time. They are excellent at getting people scheduled quickly and making sure that once they get here they don’t have to wait long in our office. People are seeking the old-time doctor-patient relationship, where they are not just a condition or number, but where the doctor is interested in the patient as a whole. We purposely designed our facility to be open and homey.

You won’t find glass partitions separating people from our staff. You won’t see us wearing white coats. We want patients to call us Dr. Paul and Dr. Michael. And since we own our practice and don’t have to answer to anyone, we can give each patient the time and attention needed to ensure we help them as much as possible. And we can educate them on how to navigate these confusing times in a way where they can thrive. Our office provides the doctoring experience and relationship that people are seeking.
Health At A Crossroads: A Clear Path Through Critical Times
Don’t miss Dr. Paul Bizjak on Thursday, December 1, for an informative and empowering seminar about how you can optimize your health and wellness. It’s perfect for anyone looking for a different approach to health care, or anyone tired of merely masking the symptoms of an illness with medicines or costly treatment instead of addressing the root cause. It will take place from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 8971 Wilcox Drive, Twinsburg. A Q&A session will follow.

Tickets are only $10 and can be purchased or reserved by calling 330-405-2751. (All proceeds will be donated to Believe in Dreams.)
Optimal Spine and Wellness is located within the Creekside Plaza at 9630 Ravenna Road, Suite 100, in Twinsburg. In addition to chiropractic care, the practice also offers massage therapy, infrared sauna, whole-body cryotherapy, whole-food supplements, and a weight loss program. Call 330-405-2751 or visit for more information.