What will you include?

By Patricia Nugent
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, instructed in his will that his ashes be scattered in outer space. They were launched into orbit via satellite in 1997.
While this request might seem out-of-this-world, there’s actually a lot you can include in your will beyond the customary who gets what. I caught up with local elder care attorney Margaret T. Karl to learn more.
“Naming an executor, defining your assets and who will receive them, as well as naming who will be the guardians to your minor children is covered in a will,” she says. “But I consult with people during our initial meeting to find out other things that may be included. It’s never a one-size-fits-all situation. For instance, sometimes people want to appoint two executors instead of one. This often happens in the case of second marriages with blended assets.”
You can also make suggestions for how your children will be raised, such as keeping them in the same schools.
“Beloved pets are often part of a will, too, with people choosing who will care for them after they pass, and including funds for their care if they’re elderly, etc.,” she says. “Charities are another beneficiary listed.”
On the flip side, there are things that are not a good idea to include in your will. “Overly restrictive conditions, stating something like, ‘I give $10,000 to my daughter only on the condition she marries so-and-so’ are not recommended,” she says. “They aren’t really enforceable by the court.”
Margaret T. Karl, Attorney at Law is located at 25800 North Depot Street, Suite 102, in Olmsted Falls. Interested in having Margie speak to your group or organization? Call 440-782-5051 or visit OlmstedOhioLaw.com.