Why you should stretch

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
You cannot reach your maximum potential without adding a stretching regimen to your training.
Benefits include lower blood pressure, improved posture, increased range of motion and flexibility, better circulation, decreased back pain, lower stress, better energy levels, more stamina and injury prevention.
There are two types of stretches: dynamic and static. Dynamic stretches, like walking lunges and leg swings are great before a workout to get blood flowing to the muscles and prep them to work. Static stretches, lasting 30-60 seconds, are best for post-workout. It takes that long to produce your goal of lengthening the muscle and flushing out the lactic acid that builds up during exercise. I tell my clients a muscle is like a rubber band. If you snap it quickly, it’ll return to the original shape. But if you keep it pulled, it’ll eventually restructure.
Deep breathing is an integral part of proper stretching. With each breath out, you should try to go deeper into the stretch.
Taking great care of your muscles and other structures of the body is our specialty. I’m thrilled to announce that we are welcoming a licensed physical therapist to our staff—Aidan Simenc. He offers several therapeutic modalities, including dry needling, to help people recover and rehab after injury or chronic conditions as well as for pre- and post-surgery.
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. The studio offers one-on-one training, small-group training and nutritional sessions. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at HigherHeightsFitness.com.
New clients can take $200 off a package that includes an initial consultation and fitness assessment, seven weeks of workouts (two sessions per week), plus a final assessment. Offer good on programs started now through Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Call 440-630-9497 to get started.