Articles Showing articles written by: Dr. Sonja Stiller, Center for Advanced Vein Care

Do your toes look like little sausages?

It’s the middle of summer and it’s hot. We’re active and on our feet. So how do your legs feel? Are they achy or tired? Are your feet or ankles swollen? Do your toes look like little sausages? When people experience leg swelling, they often associate it with diet. “It must have been something I ate,” we say. “Maybe too much...

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How long do vein treatments take?

Summer is a time for outdoor activities: walking, biking, hiking, gardening and vacations—from a week at Myrtle Beach to a day at Cedar Point. The last thing we want to think about while enjoying these activities is how our legs look and feel. Yet, for many of us, summer fun in the heat can lead to leg swelling, achiness, fatigue and...

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Would you want to live to 150?

Last year, Harvard researchers reported they have “turned back the clock” on laboratory mice by altering the epigenome (the molecules that switch DNA on and off). This finding means we may one day be able to reset the human body to avoid deadly diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Advancements are...

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Docs should take time to listen

Medical doctors often don’t like to have their opinions questioned. That’s why some would rather you not search the internet and arrive at their office with a ton of research and questions. At Center for Advanced Vein Care, we aren’t like that. We encourage patients to do their own research and ask questions. Taking the time to listen to...

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Take this venous health quiz

Venous disease is a common condition affecting more than 30 million Americans. However, many people are not being treated because they haven’t been properly diagnosed or blame their symptoms on something else: “I’m just getting older.” “I was on my feet all day.” “I need to exercise.” “I must be dehydrated.” “It’s no big...

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