Holistic Halo Salt Spa

Lisa Bargmann, owner of the new Holistic Halo Salt Spa, couldn’t agree more. Years ago she recognized the healing benefits of salt. “When you’re at the beach, you feel so good—revitalized and energized. That’s because you are breathing in salt-saturated air,” she says. “A salt spa creates dry salt air therapy that will provide the same benefits as ocean air in a fraction of the time. Here in Northeast Ohio, we don’t have access to natural salt sources for health purposes, so I decided to open Holistic Halo to change that.”
“When you visit, you enter our beautiful relaxation room,” she says. “Our Himalayan salt wall is backlit to produce a warm apricot glow. You sit in our zero-gravity chair and relax with a soft blanket. Music gently plays in the background and your job is to simply relax, meditate or fall asleep if you choose. You can also sip a cup of gourmet tea.”
Salt sessions last about 45 minutes and Lisa reports the Halogenerator grinds the medical-grade salt into fine particles so it can go deep into your airway and lungs. The number of sessions you enjoy, she says, depends on your health concerns, and she can guide you toward the appropriate amount.
Holistic Halo is a full service spa with massage therapy available.