Building muscle mass in the later years is crucial to overall health

By Patricia Nugent
The greatest commodity in 57-year-old Curt Lindsay’s life is time. As managing director of WestPoint Wealth Management, husband and father to four, finding the time to focus on his health is a real challenge.
“Though I had set up a home gym in the basement, with a treadmill and weights, I hardly had the time to go down there,” he says. “The last few years I’d noticed I was feeling out of shape and more inactive. I’ve never worked out with a personal trainer before, but when I read the Mimi magazine story about MaxStrength Fitness—explaining how two 20-minute workouts a week were proving successful—I thought it was time.”
That was four months ago.
Stopping Middle Age Downslide
Since training at MSF, never missing a workout, Curt has lost weight, added muscle, and reports getting in shape has had a domino effect of improving other aspects of his life.
“I’m eating better, sleeping better, and feeling peace of mind that I’m preventing a lot of the downsides of entering middle age by strength training,” he says. “The workouts have given me accountability that I was missing in the home gym I wasn’t using.”
According to trainer Mike Palko, “Curt is one of my favorites to work with. He really appreciates the value of training and admits he’s never trained this hard on his own. With a busy job and a big family, he definitely does not have time to spend hours at the gym, so he’s perfect for our style of training.”
Curt works out in the morning and since studio temps are kept pleasantly chilly for sweat-free workouts, he can go right to work.
“This is a game-changer for me,” he says. “Going to a gym and having to come home to shower afterward would take a couple hours instead of 20 minutes. On the mornings I work out I feel a sense of accomplishment the rest of the day.”
“There’s a stereotype about personal trainers, that they are impersonal or even punishing,” says Curt. “The MaxStrength trainers are the opposite of that. They are polite, cordial, knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. Combining their winning attitude with the advanced exercise equipment, the environment is extremely efficient.”
On Preventing Muscle Loss
With a background in sports medicine, physical therapy and athletic training, MaxStrength Founder Jeff Tomaszewski is a devout believer in the importance of muscle mass.
“Your muscles are closely linked to your overall health and the aging process,” he explains. “You start losing muscle around the age of 30, on average about three to eight percent every decade, and it speeds up after 60. The sooner you get started on building your muscle bank the better.”
Another benefit to strength training is that stronger muscles are connected to stronger bones.
“Strength training helps boost bone density and will help cut the risk of developing osteoporosis drastically,” he says. “We see this all the time with our clients.”
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-226-8080 at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake, 440-835-9090 and at13500 Pearl Road in Strongsville, 440-467-0700 or for more information or to view more testimonials, visit
Fun ways to boost your brain power
Which activity can help clear up brain fog, lower stress and prevent chronic diseases? Spoiler alert: It’s exercise. The trainers at MaxStrength Fitness have put together some simple expert tips to boost your brain and body health. For your free copy, go to