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There’s still time to have your best summer ever!

The 80-degree temperatures have arrived and shorts and swimsuit season is finally here. If you’ve picked up unwanted pounds over the winter and cold, wet spring—or if you’ve been trying to lose weight for a long while without success—here’s a safe and effective way to shed 20 to 40 pounds in six to eight weeks, guaranteed,...

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Identifying divorce risk

We developed our couples therapy program around the research findings of therapist Dr. John Gottman. This research enabled him to determine whether a couple would stay married or not based on their communication habits. He named the four most likely to cause a union’s end The Four Horsemen. In our practice, we help couples identify these habits...

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Final expense insurance can pick up where term life leaves off

Most people are familiar with term life insurance, but its often overlooked cousin, final expense insurance (whole life), can prove to be just as valuable. Final expense insurance can pick up where term life leaves off. Many people purchase term life to cover things like support for a spouse or children. But it does have an end date, often...

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Mentor Schools is focused on strengthening the partnership between students and the local businesses that could hold the keys to their future

After hearing about the Cardinal Connect Luncheon on Monday, May 2, at Paradigm in Mentor—Mimi can say she has restored faith in the next generation. “The purpose of the luncheon, which served more than 140 people, was to connect students with local business partners,” says Kristen Kirby, community relations director for Mentor...

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Workout customization

People often ask me what the difference is between our training studio and big box gyms or national franchise studios. The answer is too long to fit in this story, but the two most important differentiators are the qualifications of our team of trainers and our ability to provide a completely customized program to our clients. Everyone...

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