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Is your roof ready for the rigors of winter?

Like squirrels gathering nuts or birds migrating south, like it or not, we’re in the throes of preparing for winter. But before you dive under a blanket with a good book, have you thought about your roof’s readiness to weather the season? Have you taken a walk around your home to look for missing shingles or discoloration? There are two...

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What’s the difference between working out and personal training at Alloy Personal Training?

Evan Ferwerda opened Alloy Personal Training in Fairlawn this summer to offer people the best-case scenario of modalities: trainer-led workouts with the accountability of small classes in a state-of-the-art facility with advanced equipment. Once people discover it, after a few classes, they’re hooked. “I had an idea we would be...

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Affordable new plans now available

New affordable Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans may be available. Plans and prices change every year. Your situation may have changed, too. You may find plans with coverage and features that better meet your needs. The Open Enrollment Period for the ACA runs now through Friday, December 15, for coverage starting January 1, 2024. Applications...

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It’s ACA enrollment time

New affordable Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans may be available. Plans and prices change every year. Your situation may have changed, too. You may find plans with coverage and features that better meet your needs. The Open Enrollment Period for the ACA runs now through Friday, December 15, for coverage starting January 1, 2024. Applications...

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One of the best gifts you can give

One of the most important gifts you can give to your loved ones is a very special gift you give to yourself: the gift of good health. Let me explain. Our loved ones depend on us for our wisdom, our parental abilities, our ability to join in and be a part of things. Maybe you’re at the stage where your kids need help moving into their college...

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