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Articles Showing articles related to: Medina County

The greenhouses are fully stocked at Candyapple Nursery and Landscaping offering virtually everything needed to craft the perfect outdoor oasis for your home

Truckloads of plant materials have been delivered over the past several weeks and things are full blooming over at Candyapple Nursery and Landscaping, one of the largest nurseries in Medina County. Situated just two miles south of the Square, the fully stocked nursery takes pride in putting together a unique offering of Ohio-grown stock you...

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Helicopters? Whirly-birds? Tassels? Whatever you call them, they are back to clog your gutters!

We all love trees. They provide ever-changing beauty and character to our landscaping, not to mention their importance to the environment and the air we breathe. But trees also create a necessity for home maintenance, including gutter cleaning. “We often think of trees as causing a problem in the fall when they shed their leaves, but...

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A clean home from Pristine Clean can help you get more joy out of summer in your own back yard

A relatively warm winter combined with a rainy spring has led to an abundance of moss, mildew, algae, and grime on our homes, including siding, gutters, roofs, driveways, patios, and sidewalks—pretty much any surface. The result is a dinginess that can transform an otherwise beautiful home into one lacking in curb appeal. But it’s not...

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The professionals at MDG Flooring America don’t just install beautiful, on-trend flooring, they’ve also made it their mission to create a legacy of trust

A brief exploration through local social media groups will often deliver countless tales of unreliable and problematic contractors and home improvement vendors. Scott Powers, vice president of sales for MDG Flooring America, isn’t surprised. “Unfortunately, trust can be a problem in our business today,” Scott laments. “That’s...

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It's accident season

No matter what your age or choice of activities, accidents can and do happen. Sport season is amping up, which means slips and tumbles on the field become commonplace. Kids are riding bikes and living it up outdoors, climbing trees and catching fireflies, which increases the opportunity for a mishap. Yard warriors are back at it outside, and...

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