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Cleveland’s Take A Hike program is an ideal way to experience an urban hike as you discover the city’s history and amenities

Hiking is the most popular outdoor activity in the U.S., and with Northeast Ohio’s beautiful and expansive parks systems, we enjoy many diverse walking and hiking trails. But also growing in popularity are “urban hikes,” which are fun, educational, and good for your health. One of the best ways to enjoy an urban hike is Take A Hike,...

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Spartan StormShield’s new initiative donates roof work to deserving homeowners, providing hands-on training for their sales force and making a positive impact in Northeast Ohio

Spartan StormShield has launched a new initiative to give back to the community by donating roof work to deserving homeowners. Not only does this program aim to help those who have sacrificially invested in the community, but it also offers a unique opportunity for the company’s sales force to receive hands-on training and further enhance its...

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The Cleveland Flag Project is comprised of a passionate group of Clevelanders has come together to create a new flag for the city

An effective flag is one that’s immediately recognizable and linked to its bearer. Old Glory is instantly recognized as the banner of the United States and brings to mind all that our nation stands for. I’m guessing you could also instantly recognize the Canadian flag with its red maple leaf, the Japanese flag with its single red circle...

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Here’s what’s going to happen on April 8—and how you can enjoy the show safely

Northeast Ohio will soon have front-row seats for an extraordinary celestial show. On April 8, we will have the rare opportunity to view the first total eclipse of the sun in Ohio since 1806. If you miss it, the show won’t return for 75 years—when everyone will be partying like it’s 2099. How to PrepareTo prepare for Eclipse Day,...

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With Pristine Clean’s new “Pristine Routine” membership program, you can set your power washing on autopilot—and save 20%

Last week Mimi was explaining to a thirty-something how at the end of each month we used to sit down with a stack of bills and a checkbook, write dozens of checks, and record them in a register. Then we’d lick stamps and envelopes and put them all in the mail. It was time-consuming and stressful. Now, however, bill paying is on autopilot...

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