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Whether you want your gutters cleaned or covered, The Gutter Boys can keep you off the ladder... and your hands out of the muck

When people think of gutter cleaning, they often think of fall leaves. But spring debris has an equal capacity to clog gutters, including flower pods, spent blossoms, maple seeds (some call them helicopters, spinners or whirligigs), and catkins—those golden, pollen-filled strings that fall from oak trees. Gutter cleaning is dirty and...

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Here’s how En Garde Deer Defense can keep deer from eating your floral landscaping and ensure a full summer of enjoyable outdoor living

Now that we’re almost to the middle of May, landscape plants vulnerable to deer damage are far along, becoming increasingly appetizing to white-tailed deer. These include daylilies, hostas, roses, hydrangeas, and a lot more. In fact, you may have already seen some damage. To deer, our landscaping is simply an all-you-can-eat salad...

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Do you know someone who is making a difference in our community?

Not all superheroes wear capes. We all know someone who selflessly serves the community, whether through volunteering, charity work, or other forms of service like organizing events, mentoring youth, helping the elderly, or supporting those in need. Their actions inspire others and create a ripple effect of kindness to the overall well-being...

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The waterproofing experts at Olivieri & Son reveal how to know for sure if your home’s foundation has been compromised

Since the ground barely froze this winter—and we had more rain than snow—the yard was wetter than usual and it made for a big mess. But what’s worse than all the mud is what you sometimes cannot see: a leaky basement. “If you notice moisture, mold or a white efflorescence, it may be a sign that your foundation has been...

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A beloved local attraction, Our Lady of Lourdes National Shrine is a scenic spiritual destination where visitors can find peace

Our Lady of Lourdes National Shrine is an unexpected haven of peace and tranquility. According to Sister Phyllis Ann, who is head administrator, the origins go back to 1858 when Mary appeared to Bernadette in Lourdes, France, asking her to pray for sinners and build a place where people can come to pray. A shrine was built there to commemorate...

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