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Impact your space: Professional interior and exterior remodeling with you as the focus

Not everyone is good at multitasking. However, for Joe and Kristen Chiera, owners of Impact Landscape & Home Remodeling, that is their forte. And it is what makes them uniquely qualified to handle both outdoor landscaping projects and indoor home remodeling jobs. Construction know-how. Horticulture expertise. Exceptional vision. It all works...

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Two ways to protect your home and gutter system...from one local company

Top ItNortheast Ohio’s warm spring weather will soon be here and with it comes the season’s torrential downpours. After the long winter, you may notice that your gutters need a little TLC to prevent damaging overflows. In addition to cleaning your gutters, one of the best and safest steps you can take is to create a permanent solution by...

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Your garage has a second act

Empty nesters, your garage as a custodian of clutter, the keeper of long-outgrown Little League gear and toys, old furniture and appliances, and who knows what else has more than served its purpose over the years. Now that the kids are out of the house, it’s time to reclaim your space. While it may seem daunting as you enter the next...

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Spring is on its way, and now is the time to schedule a professional power wash to rid your home of mold, mildew and winter grime

The official start of spring is just 30 days away, and that means it’s time to schedule seasonal home improvement projects, including ridding your home’s exterior of mold, mildew and relentless winter grime. Nothing comes close to creating dramatic curb appeal like freshly cleaned vinyl siding and pristine driveways, patios, walkways,...

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It’s time to love your kitchen again, for less than the cost of a remodel with Curb Appeal Painting

The two main pain points of kitchen renovation are cost and inconvenience. Anyone living in a “before” look, but dreaming of an “after” one, should think about giving their cabinets a fresh face by repainting them instead of redoing the whole kitchen. “The days are pretty dark and dingy right now in Northeast Ohio, so it’s not a...

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