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Articles Showing articles related to: Mike Ventresca, Vital Choice Healthstore

Getting a natural energy boost

Life is busy. All of us need a little energy boost from time to time. While the shelves are packed with energy drinks, most can be summed up with just a few ingredients: isolated caffeine, sugar, and maybe some b-vitamins. While these products can provide a few extra hours of energy, they really don’t do anything to address what’s really...

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Quercetin, inflammation, and immunity

Recently, few supplements have garnered more attention than quercetin. While much of it has been related to Covid-19, quercetin has an extensive body of research for a variety of conditions, including seasonal allergies, heart disease, chronic brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, and immune challenges potentially including Covid-19. Quercetin...

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More probiotics isn’t always better

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of probiotics, the good bacteria that play a major role in immune health, digestion, mood and more. You may have also noticed how brands try to outdo each other by packing more and more bacteria into each pill, first 50 billion then 100 billion and so on. The truth is, except in specific circumstances, there...

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Collagen for youthful skin and more

Collagen plays a major role throughout the body. In addition to bone, it is the primary component of connective tissue in tendons, ligaments, skin and muscles. As we age, we produce less collagen. In fact, the body’s collagen production begins to decline after age 25. This is where diet can play a major role. Studies show consuming...

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The perfect pair: Vitamins D3 and K2

If we were to put together a list of perfect pairs, it wouldn’t take long to come up with classic examples like peanut butter and jelly or spaghetti and meatballs. Today, I want to add one to the list that is not nearly as well known, but if you care about your health, it should be. What is this instant classic? The perfect pair of vitamins D3...

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