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Would you want to live to 150?

Last year, Harvard researchers reported they have “turned back the clock” on laboratory mice by altering the epigenome (the molecules that switch DNA on and off). This finding means we may one day be able to reset the human body to avoid deadly diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Advancements are...

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Can you reverse osteoporosis?

I’ve noticed over the past year our members are increasingly concerned with their bone health and its connection to aging well. Since May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, I thought now would be the perfect time to discuss it. Osteoporosis affects almost 20% of women and 5% of men, an estimated 44 million Americans...

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Aging parents and POAs

When you have an aging parent, there are many complicated considerations to ensuring their health and well-being. A fall or stroke can change your situation very quickly. While it’s an unpleasant thing to anticipate, making sure you have both a financial and healthcare power of attorney in place ensures you have the authority to make informed...

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Protect your child’s hearing

The sounds of summer are in the air, and some of them are really loud. Dr. Cara Donovan, Au.D., of Sounds of Life Hearing Center, has some advice for keeping your kids’ hearing safe this summer and beyond. “Between loud noises from events like fireworks displays, sporting events, concerts, parades and other fun activities, children’s...

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Customized Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is an affordable and fun way to add life to your outdoors, shed light on landscaping or home features, ensure safety, and ultimately add curb appeal to your home. For years, we’ve been working with homeowners to design and install sophisticated exterior lighting. The consultation begins with us asking a lot of...

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