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Lake water safety

Beach recreation season has arrived. The Lake County General Health District is monitoring beach water quality at Mentor Headlands and Fairport Harbor Beach every morning as part of the Bathing Beach Program, keeping beachgoers safe in summer waters. “A staff member collects daily samples of beach water, and we use the predictive models of...

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How long do vein treatments take?

Summer is a time for outdoor activities: walking, biking, hiking, gardening and vacations—from a week at Myrtle Beach to a day at Cedar Point. The last thing we want to think about while enjoying these activities is how our legs look and feel. Yet, for many of us, summer fun in the heat can lead to leg swelling, achiness, fatigue and...

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Fitness for people with diseases

We had an amazing experience last month hosting a booth at the Cleveland Marathon Health and Fitness Expo, making great connections and educating people about their fitness. I’m happy to report I finished the half-marathon. It was a journey of accomplishment that was a little out of my comfort zone since I wasn’t really a distance runner...

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Regenerate bone density

Ever wonder why after age 30, sometimes sooner, we slow down, have joint pain, and reduce activities or fear an injury and being out of work? It starts with the one thing that we all have in common, our skeletal system—the foundation of each and every one of us. The skeletal system is arguably one of the most critical systems in the...

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Whole-house surge protection

This time of year, with summer storms wreaking havoc in Northeast Ohio, we like to touch on the importance of installing a whole-house surge protector. A friend of mine in Mentor recently realized this too late. Lightning struck near his home and entered it, leaving in its wake a fried main electrical panel and subpanels, and destroying...

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