
Does laser therapy really work?

Individuals with a chronic condition are often desperate for relief. And marketers know that desperate people are sometimes easy targets for their unsubstantiated claims. As a result, store shelves and the internet are packed with products claiming to treat virtually every human condition, yet with no scientific studies to back them up...

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How walking reduces blood sugar

We are well into the fall now, a time when cooler temperatures discourage many people from an important activity—walking. Getting in a few steps each day has many health benefits. As a venous health specialist, I like to point out three in particular: decreased inflammation, a stronger calf muscle, and reduced blood sugar. That’s...

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Is it time to get out of the stock market?

Anxiety related to potential stock market losses is common right now as investors weigh the risk/return metrics in an increasingly volatile world. If you’ve been wondering whether now is a good time to protect part of your retirement savings, there is good news. Today’s indexed annuities allow you to capture gains when the market is up,...

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Hearing aid myths vs. reality

It can be sad and frustrating knowing someone is obviously struggling with hearing loss but won’t seek help. Hearing loss affects their physical, social and mental well-being. Here are a few myths we see, along with corresponding reality checks: Myth: I cannot afford hearing aids.Reality: Many insurance plans help to cover hearing aid...

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Twelve weeks to a better you

This month we’re kicking off a 12-week program. Why 12? Well, we’ve found this is the sweet spot in a best-case training paradigm. At 12 weeks, the body has become properly adapted to the movements, weight loss in terms of fat loss has begun, and nutritional coaching has boosted the way the body uses food as fuel after workouts. Our...

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