
With Pristine Clean, you can schedule your power washing service within a week of your call

With the Covid-19 home improvement boom still in full swing, most contractors are experiencing a surge in business, which is resulting in long wait times for homeowners. In fact, many companies are already booked until the fall and even into next spring. Not so with Pristine Clean, which invested in six new trucks over the winter, bringing its...

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Find value in undiscovered treasure in your own home

With the popularity of cryptocurrency and other virtual investments, it’s nice to actually hold something of value in your hands. Gold and silver have had value since the beginning of time. Sure, that value fluctuates, but right now it’s high. It’s time to invest or cash in on what you already have. “Many people have gold and sterling...

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Brown Barn Tavern sets the stage for inspired menu creations, amazing views & great service

Brown Barn Tavern is rolling out the welcome mat for summertime, with a host of tantalizing new dishes and plans to double the size of their already-fabulous patio. (Perfectly perched 30 feet off the ground, the patio’s breathtaking panoramic views provide the best seats in the restaurant.) Enjoy the ambiance and views from the spacious back...

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Treating high butt pressure

Pressure from hemorrhoids in your butt can make you feel like you always have to go, even after you’ve just gone. See, the sphincter muscle doesn’t know the difference between hemorrhoids pushing on it or a bowel movement, so that pressure sends the signal that it’s time to go—even when it isn’t. Bending or sitting can exacerbate...

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Improved ACA benefits

The introduction of the American Rescue Plan Act has provided people who participate in an Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance plan the opportunity to save a considerable sum of money on their premium. For most Americans, plans for $10 after subsidies will be possible, with some people paying zero dollars.* If you are able to obtain a...

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